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News About GNU Fortran

Changes made to recent versions of GNU Fortran are listed below, with the most recent version first.

The changes are generally listed in order:

  1. Code-generation and run-time-library bug-fixes
  2. Compiler and run-time-library crashes involving valid code that have been fixed
  3. New features
  4. Fixes and enhancements to existing features
  5. New diagnostics
  6. Internal improvements
  7. Miscellany

This order is not strict--for example, some items involve a combination of these elements.

Note that two variants of g77 are tracked below. The egcs variant is described vis-a-vis previous versions of egcs and/or an official FSF version, as appropriate. Note that all such variants are now obsolete - the information is retained here only for its historical value.

Therefore, egcs versions sometimes have multiple listings to help clarify how they differ from other versions, though this can make getting a complete picture of what a particular egcs version contains somewhat more difficult.

For information on bugs in the GCC-2.97 version of g77, see section Known Bugs In GNU Fortran.

Warning: The information below is still under development, and might not accurately reflect the g77 code base of which it is a part. Efforts are made to keep it somewhat up-to-date, but they are particularly concentrated on any version of this information that is distributed as part of a released g77.

In particular, while this information is intended to apply to the GCC-2.97 version of g77, only an official release of that version is expected to contain documentation that is most consistent with the g77 product in that version.

Nevertheless, information on previous releases of g77, below, is likely to be more up-to-date and accurate than the equivalent information that accompanied those releases, assuming the last-updated date of the information below is later than the dates of those releases.

That's due to attempts to keep this development version of news about previous g77 versions up-to-date.

An online, "live" version of this document (derived directly from the mainline, development version of g77 within gcc) is available at http://www.gnu.org/software/gcc/onlinedocs/g77_news.html.

The following information was last updated on 1999-07-08:

In development:

In 0.5.25, GCC 2.95 (EGCS 1.2) versus EGCS 1.1.2:

In 0.5.24 versus 0.5.23:

There is no g77 version 0.5.24 at this time, or planned. 0.5.24 is the version number designated for bug fixes and, perhaps, some new features added, to 0.5.23. Version 0.5.23 requires gcc 2.8.1, as 0.5.24 was planned to require.

Due to EGCS becoming GCC (which is now an acronym for "GNU Compiler Collection"), and EGCS 1.2 becoming officially designated GCC 2.95, there seems to be no need for an actual 0.5.24 release.

To reduce the confusion already resulting from use of 0.5.24 to designate g77 versions within EGCS versions 1.0 and 1.1, as well as in versions of g77 documentation and notices during that period, "mainline" g77 version numbering resumes at 0.5.25 with GCC 2.95 (EGCS 1.2), skipping over 0.5.24 as a placeholder version number.

To repeat, there is no g77 0.5.24, but there is now a 0.5.25. Please remain calm and return to your keypunch units.

In EGCS 1.1.2 versus EGCS 1.1.1:

In EGCS 1.1.1 versus EGCS 1.1:

In EGCS 1.1 versus EGCS 1.0.3:

In EGCS 1.1 versus g77 0.5.23:

In 0.5.23 versus 0.5.22:

In 0.5.22 versus 0.5.21:

In EGCS 1.0.2 versus EGCS 1.0.1:

In EGCS 1.0.1 versus EGCS 1.0:

In EGCS 1.0 versus g77 0.5.21:

In 0.5.21:

In 0.5.20:

In previous versions:

Information on previous versions is archived in `gcc/gcc/f/news.texi' following the test of the DOC-OLDNEWS macro.

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